The Synergy of Natural and Artificial Intelligence: The Path to Success in Logistics
Snežana TADIĆ, Mladen KRSTIĆ, Miloš VELJOVIĆ, Milovan KOVAČ
Artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as machine learning, metaheuristic algorithms, and fuzzy systems can be applied in logistics in various ways. Human (natural) intelligence is a prerequisite for designing and implementing these tools. In this context, the methods, areas, and effects of their application fully depend on the knowledge, creativity, consideration, and goodwill of logisticians.
Expert System for Selecting Grinding Tools
Vladimir TODIĆ
The production of products in the metalworking industry, in modern conditions, whether it involves mass or individual (small-batch) production, requires the implementation of automated flexible technological systems, including systems for grinding processes. This allows for the efficient production of a wide range of products in reduced quantities, short delivery times, and frequently limited prices. Flexible technological systems enable the automation of processing management, due to control units based on CAD/CAM systems. For the effective application of these highly expensive technological systems, digitalization of all segments of production management is also necessary, including production preparation, which refers to the programming of these systems. Within programming, the selection of quality tools for cutting processes plays a significant role. This paper presents a developed expert system for the automated selection of tools for grinding processes, using the JavaScript programming package, which ensures more efficient programming of grinding technological systems as well as contributing to increased production efficiency.
Artificial Intelligence and ISO Standards
Radoslav RAKOVIĆ
The practical application of artificial intelligence is closely related to the establishment of an appropriate framework related to organizational issues. That is why the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) adopted a series of management standards related to artificial intelligence. This paper provides a concise overview of the most important standards, primarily those related to concepts and terminology, artificial intelligence management system, guidelines for risk management in the field of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence governance implications for organizations and impact assessment of artificial intelligence..
Challenges for the Application of Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Issues
Mirjana IVANOVIĆ, Radoslav RAKOVIĆ
The concepts of artificial intelligence were established in the middle of the 20th century, but they began to be significantly applied in recent times when the progress of technology made it possible. Like all new technologies, artificial intelligence has created many possibilities that are oriented towards making our daily activities easier and more convenient. However, it has been observed that the possibilities for misuse of these technologies are very high, recently are getting very realistic, and this raises many questions related to the legislative and ethical aspects of their application. This paper summarizes the challenges and ethical issues related to the application of artificial intelligence systems and services, with special attention to the segment of gender equality.