Volume 2, Issue 4, 2017.

Improvement Proposals in Student Projects for Prototype Technical Documentation

Experience shows that technical documentation prepared by students usually does not satisfy the requirements needed to build a product prototype or an actual product, which is ready to be tested and used afterwards. Therefore, despite the fact that the evaluated student project tasks are often graded as excellent ones, and sometimes also rewarded, they have to be reexamined thoroughly and adjusted significantly before they are ready to be used. The paper presents the necessary adjustments that were performed on the technical documentation, which deals with the mechanics of one specific developed product. The developed product, which represents a winning student project, was a mechatronic device that was suitable for exhibition purposes. The product was developed in the context of the competition organized by a company, which produces DC motors and corresponding components. In the paper the modification process is presented, starting with the presentation and analysis of the winning project, followed by the description of performed modifications regarding the technical documentation.

Automated Warehouse: Student Project within Courses Mechanisms and Microcomputers at the Technical College in Bjelovar


This paper describes the student project “Automated Warehouse”. The project was done for the purpose of evaluation of learning outcomes in courses Mechanisms and Microcomputers. The aforementioned courses are integral parts of the curriculum of the Professional Programme of Study in Mechatronics at the Technical College in Bjelovar. Automated warehouse is a mechatronic system for controlling pallets with goods without human intervention. The paper presents the virtual design of the system, its mechanical construction and system control by means of a microcomputer.

Development of a Facility Monitoring System in the Contest of Supervisory Control

Attila TROHÁK, Róbert SIMON, Zsófia FORGÁCS
This article is going to introduce the process of a pilot project, where the goal is to renew the Facility Monitoring System that currently operates at the University of Miskolc.

The Automation of the Painting Process


The paper depicts the concepts of automated painting of electric motors. The most suitable concept, involving two robots, is suggested for realisation, but further painting process analysis and experiments are needed.

Simulation of Hall Sensor Based Localization in a Production Process

Laslo TARJAN, Ivana ŠENK, Branislav TEJIĆ, Dragana OROS, Igor BARANOVSKI

Localization of products and tools during production is of great significance in automated systems, as it gives valuable information that enables production optimization. Hall sensors provide contactless detection of magnetic field strength, and are often applied for detection of proximity, position and speed, as well as for current measurements in conductors. This paper presents an idea for Hall sensor based product localization with the application of small strong permanent neodymium magnets N5211. Simulation results are presented for monitoring the product position during linear and semicircular movements in the production process.