Volume 2, Issue 2, 2017.

The SecGENE Ontologies Framework


The SecGENE experimentation framework aims to provide a solid practical evidence that automatic code generation based on semantic descriptions of experiments on testbeds and other infrastructure provided by EU H2020 SoftFIRE project is capable of supporting advanced experimentation with proposed use of new-coming 5G technologies. The flexibility of such experimental environment is addressed by adoption of domain and system ontologies for formal representation of semantics of the problem. This paper describes the ontologies framework that is needed for the SecGENE implementation.

Ergonomics Analysis of Automobile Seat Comfort

Slavica MAČUŽIĆ, Jovanka LUKIĆ

Modern car buyers, in addition to style and safety, also require seating comfort. The most important aspect of the ergonomic posture analysis is a biomechanical study of the position of the vehicle driver. Car manufacturers must adapt seats to almost all populations that may be the prospective owners of these cars. The aim of this research is to analyze the driver’s comfort, in the case of the German car production, which is sold for the Japanese market. Using the Ramsis software package, which represents the leading program for the design and analysis of ergonomics inside the vehicle, defining boundary conditions and interaction of the manikin with parts of the vehicle, it is possible to analyze the model sitting position and check the index of health. In this way, car designers can acquire the exact information about their car agreement with anthropometric characteristics of any population, before the actual car-making process.

Lean Principles in Software Development Projects


With a recent noticeable shift towards Lean Kanban software development and increase of its popularity, certain challenges and need for further research and analyses stand out as well, in order to provide better understanding and support, considering the lack of existing literature and case studies on this topic. With that aim, we have presented our point of view and perspective on significant Kanban principles and practices relevant for software development, certain approach to its implementation and main motivational factors, benefits and challenges having an impact on Kanban introduction to software development.

Big Data Overview, the Vs Characteristics, and Applications

Jamal BZAI, Miroslav BOJOVIĆ

Big data is a collection of massive and complex data sets and data volume that include the huge quantities of data, data management capabilities, social media analytics and real-time data. Big data analytics is the process of examining large 0amounts of data. There exist large amounts of heterogeneous digital data. Big data is about data volume measured in terms of terabytes or Petabytes. After examining of Big data, the data has been launched as Big Data analytics. In this paper, presenting the Vs characteristics of big data and the technique and technology used to handle big data. There are many motivations for the adoption of big data; this data has innovation, the economy, productivity and future growth. Big data analytics has become very popular in the area of marketing, industries, healthcare, and a brief discussion on privacy.